Full Stack expert focused on creating aesthetic and creative products

My work philosophy

Build creatively, be innovative and take care of people.

Education and Dissemination

I stand out for helping people learn and understand anything. I enjoy creating healthy and relaxed environments where people are not judged and we focus on growth.


I am good at communicating with people, creating fair, organized spaces focused on reducing the impact of stress on teams. For me, it is essential to reaffirm and recognize people for their effort and work.


I have a well-developed artistic sense, and I enjoy creating beautiful interfaces that convey trust. I seek to experiment and learn how to blend art and programming.

Carlos Brignardello



Live classesPrepare talksWrite articlesShare knowledgeEditing and creating multimedia materials


ReactNext.jsJavascriptHTML, CSSTypeScript


Nest.jsExpressNext APIDjangoDjango Rest FrameworkAuth0



From September 2021 to present
February 2023 - CurrentFull Stack Engineer
August 2022 - January 2023Devops Engineer
April 2022 - August 2022Backend Engineer
July 2020 - January 2021Data Engineer

Safety Club

From July 2020 to Semptember 2021
January 2021 - September 2021Backend Developer
July 2020 - January 2021Javascript Developer

Personal Initiatives

Tech Notes

Tech Notes

From 2020 to present

Tech Notes is a project created for the community with the notes I've taken during my career and learning process. It's a project in which I'm constantly adding new content. It includes notes on Backend, Frontend, databases, and other topics.

Concept Cards

From 2022 to present

Concept Cards is a project where core concepts in programming, frontend, backend, data, cloud, etc. are described in detail and in an easy-to-understand manner.

Concept Cards

Personal Projects



From 2023 to present

"Humans" is a developing platform that aims to facilitate the hiring of the right talent for IT projects with high precision in terms of required skills, as well as salaries and required investment. At the same time, it allows you to identify your team's capabilities and keep them motivated according to their effort, mental stability, and various other metrics.

Wool Bee


"Wool Bee" was a project I built that aimed to function as a platform for hiring web development and data services. It helped me a lot in putting into practice new design proposals, technologies such as Next.js, implementing email systems, among others.

Wool Bee
Assistant Journey

Assistant Journey


"Assistant Journey" is an AI platform developed by a team of friends during their participation in the Lablab.ai hackathon.

Learning Space


"Learning Space" was a personal project in which I participated as a Frontend. It aimed to bring virtual reality technology closer to students by creating immersive educational content that could be experienced through virtual reality headsets.

Learning Space
Askeladd Studio

Askeladd Studio


"Askeladd Studio" was the first project in which I coordinated a group of people to create a platform for web development and data services. Although it did not last long, I learned a lot about managing teams and developing front-end. I am particularly proud of the designs that Jazmín Trujillo and I were able to achieve together.

Articles and Talks

Devops Session #2


Second Talk about introduction to Devops to all the Kranio community.

Devops Session #2
Devops Session #1

Devops Session #1


Talk about devops basics, culture and work experiences.

Serie Data Science


A series of articles on Kranio about Data Science ETL Concepts

Serie Data Science